air traffic control communicationの例文


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  1. NTSB member John Hammerschmidt released preliminary transcripts of air traffic control communications with the airliner.
  2. Two lesser-known key systems were used at airports for air traffic control communications, the 102 and 302 key systems.
  3. Worse yet, the FCC says there are documented cases where pirate radio transmissions have interfered with air traffic control communications with planes.
  4. The report discussed several aspects of the collision, including locations of origin of the aircraft, planned destination, and air traffic control communications.
  5. That day, all Continental flights began to use the " United " callsign in air traffic control communications which marked the end of Continental Airlines.


  1. "air traffic control atc"の例文
  2. "air traffic control center"の例文
  3. "air traffic control centre"の例文
  4. "air traffic control clearance"の例文
  5. "air traffic control command center"の例文
  6. "air traffic control communications"の例文
  7. "air traffic control complex"の例文
  8. "air traffic control display"の例文
  9. "air traffic control facility"の例文
  10. "air traffic control instruction"の例文
  11. "air traffic control clearance"の例文
  12. "air traffic control command center"の例文
  13. "air traffic control communications"の例文
  14. "air traffic control complex"の例文

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